Publications of this museum:
In February 2010 a article about my museum and this homepage was released on a regional magazine.
I became the VIP of the title page with the story title: " The Chip Hunter"
The response of interested people was awesome!
Thanks again to Prof. Peter Lexe from the "Kärntner Regionalmedien" for this great article!
Sorry to all English speaking people, this article was only released in German!

This online museum exists since August 2007. I spent a lot of time to set up this homepage and one of my
honoring moments to this day is an article in one of the most famous  technical computer magazines of
Germany, Austria, Netherlands and Switzerland. In 2009 the magazine c´t from the "
HEISE" publishing company released an
article about my website. I got a lot of positive response and many donations because of this article.

# 4 side 198,

On the well known homepage   ""  my museum became the link of the week 02/2009 !

click picture to enlarge
