Technical Specification

Introduction date:
Clock Speed:
ACT Address Space:
Program Memory:
Entry Method:
New price:
1. July 1977
0,18 MHz
Arithmetic, Control and Timing chip (ACT): 1820-1596
12 Bit
30 storage registers, C-MOS technology
light emitting diode, 10 digits, red
98 program steps
10 digits
Reverse Polish Notation
127 mm x 63,5 mm x 25,4 mm (5" x 2.5" x 1")
195 USD


The HP-29C was the last calculator of the Woodstock family or "Series 20". The codename  of  it was "Bonnie".
The HP-29C was followed by a printing version, the HP-19C and these two were called "Bonnie & Clyde".
The heart of these calculators was the the ACT (
Arithmetic, Control and Timing chip). For reducing cost and size this
chip integrated arithmetic, register, control, -and clock driver circuit into a single package.
The chip was able to address 4096 instructions directly with its 12 bit address space.


...the nice led display...

...the nice brain in white ceramic and gold...

...the nice brain of the HP-29C...

...under the display, the keyboard and display driver...

...the display...
