Introduction date:
L1 Cache:
Address Bus:
Data Bus:
Number of Transistors:
A80503 types:
BP80503 types:
FV80503 types:
October 1996
133 - 266 MHz
16+16 Kb
32 Bit
64 Bit
Boxed versions with / without Cooler
Black PGA
In October 1996 Intel released the 4th Pentium generation as the
'Pentium with MMX Technology'. it was based on the
standard Pentium core, but it had a new set of 57 "MMX" (MultiMedia
instructions to improve working on multimedia tasks, such as
encoding and decoding media. The software must be specially
optimized to make use of MMX, and the increased speed the
Pentium MMX showed at its apparition was mainly due to the fact
that the internal cache had been doubled in size to 32 KB
A80503-166 |
A80503-166 |
A80503-200 |
Philippines, SL27K |
Philippines, SL239 |
Philippines, SL2RY |
BP80503-166 |
BP80503-166 |
BP80503-200 |
Malaysia, SL23R |
Malaysia, SL23X |
Malaysia, SL23S |
BP80503-200 |
BP80503-233 |
BP80503-233 |
Malaysia, SL23W |
Malaysia, SL293 |
Malaysia, SL293, no
cooler |
BP80503-233 |
SL28J, Gold Fake |
FV80503-133 |
FV80503-150 |
FV80503-166 |
SL27C, 2,45V |
SL246 |
Malaysia, SL23R |
FV80503-166 |
FV80503-200 |
FV80503-200 |
Malaysia, SL27H |
SL26J |
SL27J |
FV80503-200 |
FV80503-233 |
FV80503-233 |
SY060 |
Malaysia, SL2Z3, 1,8V
Tillamook |
FV80503-266 |
Tillamook-300M |
Malaysia,SL2Z4, 1,9V
Tillamook |
faked chip from China |
Special Mobile
Versions with MMX
GC80503CSM 166 MHZ |
GC80503CSM 266 MHZ |
Korea, SL388 |
Korea, SL389 |
TT80503150 |
TT80503150 |
TT200 |
SL26S, 2.45V, on module |
SL26U, New in Frame |
SL28P, NEW in Frame |
TT200 |
TT233 |
TT266 |
SL28P on module |
SL28Q |
SL2N5, on module |