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127 Andreas Merchel Andreas.merchel@live.com schrieb am Freitag, 24. Juli 2020 um 15:51:28 Uhr:
ich habe gerade deine unbekannte IBM CPU mit den Sockeln für RAM gesehen.
Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass das ein Chip ist um CPUs zu designen.
Habe schon Bilder davon gesehen, wo der RAM verbaut war (Infineon Module) und das ganze als Entwicklungsplattform galt.

Gruss Andi

126 Andre Teodoro andre_tfjr@yahoo.com.br hochgeladenes Bild ansehen schrieb am Samstag, 04. April 2020 um 21:35:56 Uhr:
Hello, I have an ICC-82D calculator, but I don't have the AC Adapter CU-82e, so I can't turn it on, I would like to know if you could tell me which pins I have to inject which voltage level to be able to energize the calculator.
Tks, Andre

125 asdf schrieb am Montag, 09. September 2019 um 21:03:38 Uhr:

124 autodesk bim and mep software schrieb am Dienstag, 21. Mai 2019 um 11:51:12 Uhr:
User experience design even if those updates were permanently installed graphiwith industry The exported ICML BIM and MEP Software price When the remote editor opens the packaged assignment on his or her own computer product keys are often located on a product key

123 Bruce schrieb am Freitag, 04. Januar 2019 um 02:53:02 Uhr:
wow, great pics, great collection....

122 Carmen Mayo helenrankin6@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 04. September 2018 um 12:31:13 Uhr:

121 shiloh kennelly shilohkennelly45@gmail.com http://https://www.lofacts.com/jet-pro-x/ schrieb am Dienstag, 14. August 2018 um 07:38:56 Uhr:
The process was practiced by Dr. Roberto Blum, president of the Aesthetic Medical Society of Ecuador, who for more than fifteen years has been carrying out this intervention of intimate embellishment, now with stem cells.


120 jamesolive jamesolive036@gmail.com http://https://blog.advids.co/20-creative-corporate-videos-you-must schrieb am Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2018 um 13:19:18 Uhr:
Hi friends,
blogs and Articles on blog.advids.co are too great and easy to undersatnd. They have all subject related blogs. Just have a look.

119 CPU-Freak cpu-freak@byom.de http://cpu-test.com schrieb am Donnerstag, 23. März 2017 um 12:02:53 Uhr:
I just found this page and from my point of view it is optimal for people, who want to inform about CPUs. It is built up and structured excellent. I can just recommend it to everyone.
With best regards CPU-Freak Smilie

118 drunknex schrieb am Mittwoch, 14. September 2016 um 22:55:27 Uhr:
Respect still keeping this site running man, love it.Smilie

117 Toni Golbats electroman12v@googlemail.com http://none hochgeladenes Bild ansehen schrieb am Dienstag, 17. Februar 2015 um 11:37:03 Uhr:
This is a really great and awesome museum for CPUs. I'm a great fan of CPUs too, so I'm visiting your Website. I know what work you have done for this website and your CPUs. I'm collecting CPUs too but I've only five CPU's. Great Thanks that you have done this for usSmilie. I've a question, do you know what is the fastest CPU all over the world? I don't can find a answer on the internet. But Thank you for this really big, pretty and good website!!! Smilie Smilie

116 Juergen juergenkraus@ggpm.de schrieb am Sonntag, 04. Januar 2015 um 23:43:36 Uhr:

115 Lukas schrieb am Freitag, 12. Dezember 2014 um 23:04:26 Uhr:
Just wanted to tell you that your collenction is great and your website is interesting! Greetings from upper austria

114 Frank hardwarecop@gmail.com http://cpumuseum.jimdo.com/ schrieb am Mittwoch, 01. Januar 2014 um 17:22:00 Uhr:
Hi Peter,

thank you very much for your praise, I came across your website multiple times before and always liked to read things on your website (especially the Articles & Tutorials section) and to look at such a beautiful, complete and well documented collection - your collection inspired me alot (also to start a page for my collection). Smilie

I also wish you all the best to reach all the targets you've set and of course a happy, successful & healthy new year!

Hopefully I might expect new things on your beautiful website soonSmilie


113 Antoine schrieb am Dienstag, 03. September 2013 um 10:22:33 Uhr:
Very nice info, I will try soon your self taping screw trick to remove heatspreaders. FYI the dual chip Power CPU is not a Power4 (which was only single chip) but a Power5 (Dual Core CPU with 36MB cache chip). Wether it is a Power5 or Power5+ depends of the size of the CPU die (389 mm2 or 243 mm2)

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